A Wind in the Door A Wind in the Door

Juvenile Fiction  [ Browse Items ]
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A Wind In The Door is a fantastic adventure story involving Meg Murry her small brother Charles Wallace and Calvin O Keefe the chief characters of A Wrinkle In Time The seed from which the story grows is the rather ordinary situation of Charles Wallace s having difficulty in adapting to school He is extremely bright so much so that he gets punched around a lot for being different He is also strangely seriously ill mitochondritis the destruction of farandolae minute creature of the mitochondria in the blood Determined to help Charles Wallace in school Meg pays a visit to his principal Mr Jenkins a dry cold man with whom Meg herself has had unfortunate run ins The interview with Mr Jenkins goes badly and Meg worriedly returns home to find Charles Wallace waiting for her There are he announces dragons in the twins vegetable garden Or there were They ve moved to the north pasture now Every time a star goes out another Echthros has won a battle Just before Meg Murry s little brother Charles Wallace falls deathly ill he sees dragons in the vegetable garden The dragons turn out to be Proginoskes a cherubim composed of wings and eyes wind and flame It is up to Meg and Proginoskes along with Meg s friend Calvin to save Charles Wallace s life To do so they must travel deep within Charles Wallace to attempt to defeat the Echthroi those who hate and restore brilliant harmony and joy to the rhythm of creation the song of the universe It is November When Meg comes home from school Charles Wallace tells her he saw dragons in the twin s vegetable garden That night Meg Calvin and C W go to the vegetable garden to meet the Teacher Blajeny who explains that what they are seeing isn t a dragon at all but a cherubim named Proginoskes It turns out that C W is ill and that Blajeny and Proginoskes are there to make him well by making him well they will keep the balance of the universe in check and save it from theevil - from Amzon 
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